New racetrack, fresh pavement, cannot get any better then this! Thompson Speedway a 1.7mi road course located in north east corner of Connecticut saw FFR racers Jim Schenck, Pat McMahon, John Kabacinski and John George in attendance for the inaugural NASA Northeast Race weekend June 20-22, 2014.
Continue reading Race Report – Thompson Speedway June 20-22, 2014 →
I will be at Thompson CT this weekend and will be live streaming from the racecar. Friday is Test/Tune, Saturday and Sunday are sprint races.
Video feed: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jgracing
Schedule of the weekend when stream will be live (all EST, schedule may change.) NASA-Northeast has not posted a Saturday/Sunday schedule yet but here are the overall times..
Friday June 20
9:30 – 10:00 :30 Race Cars
11:00 – 11:30 :30 Race Cars
1:00 – 1:30 :30 Race Cars
2:30– 3:00 :30 Race Cars
4:00 – 4:30 :30 Race Cars
Sat June 21
7:00am Registration / Tech Open
7:45 Instructor Meeting in classroom
8:00am Drivers Meeting
9:00am Cars on Track
10:30 Hyperdrive Registration
12:00 Lunch
6pm Off track
Sun June 22
10:00am Registration/Tech
11:15 Track Walk
12 noon - 7pm Cars on Track
Full schedule here: http://nasane.com/
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